Hints & Tips

Breastfeeding is a lovely way to maintain the close bond you’ve built over maternity leave, and you don’t need to stop just because you’re going back to work!

Breastfeeding & Returning to Work

When you return to work, it’s possibly going to be the longest you’ve been away from your little one since they were born. Breastfeeding is a lovely way to maintain the close bond you’ve built over maternity leave, and you don’t need to stop just because you’re going back to work!

Breastfeeding after a day at work is a great way for both you and your baby to unwind and reconnect. Don’t forget, even when you’re not breastfeeding full time, one or two breastfeeds a day still benefit your baby’s health.

Here are some tips to make juggling breastfeeding and heading back to work as easy as possible…

  • Breastfeed when you’re at home and express milk using a pump so that your baby’s carer can feed them while you’re away. Remember to label and date expressed milk before popping it into a sterile bag in the fridge or freezer.
  • Let your baby practice taking expressed milk from a bottle before you go back to work, that way, they’ll know all about bottles and accept them easily when the time comes!
  • Talk to your employer early on about your choice to continue breastfeeding when you return to work and ask them if they have a breastfeeding policy to support you.

Looking for support? 

The NHS and The Breastfeeding Network have lots of advice surrounding going back to work as a mum. Maternity Action provide information on rights at work and benefits for pregnant women and new parents. The Health and Safety Executive have information on health and safety at work. ACAS can provide information, advice and conciliation services for resolving workplace disputes, and The Equality Advisory and Support Service can provide information and advice on equality and discrimination issues.