Parent Diaries

I was there to support Amanda, to give her reassurance and to be there if she needed anything...

How I Supported My Partner On Her Breastfeeding Journey: Adam's Story

Adam supported his partner Amanda through her breastfeeding journey with their son Alfie. We hear his view on their breastfeeding journey plus how important it was for him to feed Alfie once Amanda started expressing. Their family currently lives in the UK.

When Amanda came home from hospital, I made sure she had her pregnancy pillow so that she could sit comfortably while feeding Alfie and made sure her legs were elevated.

I knew that breastfeeding used up so many of Amanda’s calories each day so I made sure she had plenty of healthy food to keep her energy up and had lots of water, especially when Alfie was cluster feeding as Amanda could be sat there feeding Alfie for hours.

I felt a bit helpless at first as Amanda was constantly feeding Alfie and I couldn’t do anything to help with that only to make her comfortable and get her anything she needed. I was there to support Amanda, to give her reassurance and to be there if she needed anything.

We had decided after 6 weeks Amanda would start expressing milk so I could give Alfie a bottle a few times a week when I finished work. This would enable Amanda to have a break and I could be more involved in the feeding side which was something I really wanted to be a part of. This was important to me so Alfie could get used to me settling him, feeding him and getting into a routine with him. At first, I felt a bit worried as I could not settle Alfie as quickly as Amanda could. But I stuck at it and kept trying giving Alfie a bottle every couple of nights which he started to take very well. Amanda still breastfeeds Alfie through the day and I give him his bottle every night and put him to bed, this is something I look forward to everyday - our special bonding time.