Baby Food Safety: Introducing Food To My Baby Safely

Baby food safety is a priority for every parent.

Baby Food Safety: Introducing Food Safely

Whilst in the main introducing your baby to solids is lots of fun for you both, there are a few important BABY FOOD SAFETY points to be mindful of that could pose a danger to your baby:

There is a risk of choking

  • Never leave your baby unattended whilst eating and always watch them especially closely while they are eating foods on which they could easily choke e.g. raw carrot, apple slices or whole grapes
  • Make sure you peel the skins from foods such as sausages, and remove any bones from meat or fish
  • It is worth familiarizing yourself with what to do in case of an emergency

They may have allergies

  • If you have a history of eczema, asthma or hayfever in your family then it’s particularly recommended to breastfeed for the first six months to help reduce the risk of allergies
  • When you start introducing foods, do so one at a time so that you can spot any reactions should they happen. This is especially important when introducing the common allergens  e.g milk, eggs, wheat, nuts and fish
  • If your baby does show signs of a reaction then seek medical advice

Honey is not GREAT to give under 12 months

  • It may be natural and delicious but honey can cause botulism in babies under one year old 

Food hygiene is extra important

  • Always wash your hands before preparing food and check your baby’s hands are clean before eating, especially after all that crawling around….
  • Clean surfaces and tableware before you use them. If you are preparing raw meat, keep a separate chopping board for this.
  • Tempting as it is, when you see it going to waste, don’t re-use food that your baby has left for another meal as it may upset their tummy
  • Always wash and peel fruit and vegetables.
  • Keep cooked and raw meats covered and away from each other and other foods in the fridge.
  • Cooked food should only be re-heated once, and then thrown away if not eaten.
  • Make sure food has cooled right down before putting it in the freezer, and make sure it’s fully thawed when defrosting.
  • When re-heating food make sure it is piping hot all the way through……and then allow it to cool down before feeding it to your baby (always feels odd frantically blowing on food you have just made piping hot!).
Wash vegetables