
How we really felt

when we found out we were pregnant...


When I found out I was pregnant I woke one Sunday morning feeling pretty rubbish…  I had all week but just put it down to a bug or virus. My husband was away in Portugal with his friends for a 30th birthday.

For some reason I decided to do a pregnancy test even though I had done one a few days earlier which was negative. I remember for those three minutes, the slowest three minutes ever, thinking what a waste of a test.

But this time, when I turned it over, there was not just the one line showing that I’d seen 20+ times previously - but finally two!! I burst into tears which turned to laughter thinking I can’t believe this. I grabbed my keys, sprinted down the stairs to my car and drove to the next town. I didn’t want to bump into anyone I knew. I bought another test, but the lovely cashier realised she didn’t have any bags so said just stick it up your jumper! I think she thought you don’t really want anyone seeing you walk out with just that.

When I got home, I managed to do the second test straight away and yep… another positive!

An hour before all this I had just spoken to my hubby, so I text him asking if he was alone. He responded with a photo of him with his friends. I thought I can’t tell you with them all there! Instead I thought it will be a great surprise when I pick him up tomorrow at the airport. To be honest this thought lasted about 30 seconds, I immediately Facetimed. He answered with a look of worry which built as I asked him to go somewhere quiet. Finally, here we go, ready… I turned the camera round on to the two positive tests. Are you joking he reacted with the biggest smile on his face! I don’t want to be here anymore I want to be at home…!

Katy. UK


I was shaking, then I started crying. I was so happy but so shocked! You decide to try to conceive, and you know how everything is supposed to happen but somehow you don’t actually expect it to... Seeing that line after years of taking tests because of a late period and panicking that your contraception had failed, after always actively trying not to get pregnant; seeing the positive line is such a weird, but crazy, but happy moment! It’s what you want but there’s definitely an element of panic, like ‘oh my God am I ready?’ I was crying and telling my cats I was going to have a baby…. After texting my husband obviously!

Jessica. Wales


When I found out I was pregnant I was over the moon but scared all at the same time.

Unfortunately, we had been trying for about 5-6 months after we lost our first little bubs, but once we passed the point of being scared, we started getting more and more excited. Now that he has arrived and, in our arms, we can’t wait to have our second one already and I’m sure we will feel just as excited as the first time.

Cassandra. Australia


Overwhelm. I was shocked. We were barely talking about the possibility of having babies, and next thing you know I'm pregnant. We had not really planned it, not really, not completely. I was terrified first once I found out, then in shock, then overwhelmed. There were so many things we needed to do before a having a baby, and we were going to have to rush through it to be at least decently prepared for a baby. Once the shock passed, I was static that we were so fortunate to be able to have a baby without complications. Now I'm in a constant panic mode, but I guess that comes from being a mom and trying to do what's best for my baby. 

Evelyn. USA